Apple Pro-Wash is a premium foaming surfactant with a colour changing marker that makes cleaning coverage easy to see. It also helps your cleaning solution cling to all surfaces, and smells great.
Apple Pro-Wash creates the perfect amount of foaming solution to increase dwell time and prevent run-off while cleaning on most surfaces.
This product is highly concentrated, a little will go a long way, overuse will increase rinse time.
Available In:
4 Liter / 1 Gallon Bottle
20 Liter / 5 Gallon Pail
208 Liter / 55 Gallon Drum
Mixing Directions:
Batch Tank (*dye will dilute)
Roof Mix: 1 L (32 oz) per 200 L (50 G)
Wall Mix: 0.80 L (28 oz) per 200 L (50 G)
Proportioner System
Roof Mix: 3-4 on Dial
Wall Mix: 2 on Dial
X-Jet System (*dye will dilute)​
Wall Mix: 0.10 L (3 oz) per 20 L (5 G)
Down-Streamer (*dye will dilute)
Wall Mix: 0.15 L (5 oz) per 20 L (5 G)
** All mixing ratios are base suggestions, adjust for applications as required.